Hoping to post soon some info about a 60th class reunion. If it gets scheduled it should fall on the 3rd week-end in August as that is when the All Class Picnic usually happens on the 3rd Sunday in August.
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Some still helpful tips for new and current visitors to the website:
Be sure to check out What's New on the top row of menus. It's a quick way to see any current/recent postings.
If you want to reach out privately to a fellow classmate, click on the Message Center under Member Functions on the left hand side and then click on Compose Message and select your specific recipient(s).
If you change your email or move, don't forget to select Edit Contact Info on the left side menu, and update your information. That way you'll always get notice of any class events, and we won't have to search for you again! If you use the Contact Us menu item to bring any changes about yourself or fellow classmates to our attention that would be helpful, too!
- We still have over 60 on our Missing List (see Classmate Listings/Missing Classmates on the top menu). We do not have contact info for these people. If you come across any of them, or have any new clues, please let us know with the Contact Us button on top bar.